Board of Faith and Life accepting comments on proposed revisions until Aug. 15
by Connie Faber
Last month, the USMB Board of Faith and Life (BFL) issued an open letter to follow-up the January BFL study conference on Articles 12 and 13 of the Confession of Faith. The letter includes proposed revisions to Article 13 and invites interested individuals to offer feedback before August 15.
The letter was emailed to those who attended the January study conference as well as USMB pastors and district boards of faith and life. It outlines what has transpired since March when BFL published an open letter outlining what led up to the Study Conference and how BFL was processing the outcomes.
According to the letter, since March national BFL representatives have met with district BFLs and groups of professors from USMB colleges and the seminary to test preliminary revisions to Article 13.
The June letter says, “We collected feedback on (proposed Article 13) content, its wording and our plans for revising and processing that draft. The national BFL has now assessed that feedback, has created a new draft and is ready for one more opportunity for review and comment.”
The letter emphasizes that this is only a draft. “That means we invite pastors, those who participated in the Study Conference, those who participated in the conversations subsequent to it and any other interested MBs to examine this draft and provide feedback on it,” says the letter. “This feedback will be considered by the BFL. The goal is to keep improving the draft, until we are ready to recommend ratification at the 2014 national convention.”
Feedback can be given to BFL chair Larry Nikkel at or USMB executive director Ed Boschman at
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