Weinhauer remembered for his love of prayer, missions and God's Word
By Connie Faber
“The MB Mission family has been deeply impacted by Carlin over the past 10 years that he served with us,” says Randy Friesen, MB Mission general director. “Carlin brought his love for prayer, the Word and missions to our lead team. He was a mentor to me personally and to our mobilization team. We will miss his God-given passion for life and all things eternal. Carlin was a leader who finished well!”
Weinhauer joined the MB Mission lead team in January 2005, serving in mobilization and media. He launched Celebrate Mission nights across North America and led teams of people on numerous trips to Thailand, including recent development building projects, Brazil, Burkino Faso and India.
“As a young person, Carlin spent time pouring over the pages of National Geographic magazine having, early on, a deep interest in geography and travel,” writes his wife, Marcia in Weinhauer’s eulogy. “God prepared and blessed his life with opportunities to minister far and wide in many countries, even to brief teaching opportunities in China.”
Weinhauer came to MB Mission after retiring from pastoral ministry. He joined the Willingdon Church pastoral team in 1984 and the congregation grew during his 20 years of pastoral leadership. While at Willingdon the Weinhauers visited a number of countries in Asia, Africa and Eastern Europe on short-term mission trips. The church planted a church among the Chechen people in 1997.
Prior to joining the Willingdon staff, Weinhauer taught pastoral ministries and preaching for 15 years at Briercrest Bible Institute, now Briercrest College in Caronport, Sask. He also served in various administrative duties at the school and travelled extensively, raising funds and students for the school and speaking across Canada.
“What a life (Weinhauer) lived for Jesus,” writes Paul Magnus, Briercrest President Emeritus, in a tribute posted on the Briercrest website. “There will be very large numbers of people one day in the presence of Jesus because Carlin served as and where he did.”
Carlin Eugene Weinhauer was born Oct. 31, 1939 to Frank and Thelma Weinhauer of Wellsville, New York. He graduated from high school in 1957, at which time he attended a conference and gave his life to Christ, with the commitment to anywhere, at any time, at any cost.
While in college, Weinhauer met Marcia Watne; they married Aug. 11, 1962. The couple has three daughters, Cheri and husband Howard, Lynda and husband Allan and Rebekah and husband Brian, and eight grandchildren.
Weinhauer graduated from Briercrest in 1962 and from Columbia Bible College, now Columbia International University in Columbia, SC, in 1964. He received his master of arts in Christian education from Chicago’s Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in 1974 and his doctorate in educational administration from the University of Alberta in 1979.
While a student, Weinhauer served congregations in South Carolina and Chicago. He also pastored three rural American Sunday School Union congregations in Montana for two years in the late 1960s.
During the six weeks following his diagnosis of stomach cancer, Weinhauer and his wife kept a journal. You can read the blog at http://www.carlinsjourney.blogspot.ca/ To post comments email CarlinAndMarcia@gmail.com
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