Celebrating Easter by ourselves
It was just over five weeks ago that we began the 40 days of Lent with Ash Wednesday services. We never could have guessed how...
MDS assessment personnel visiting Puerto Rico
Mennonite Disaster Service (MDS) regional operations coordinator, Larry Stoner, arrived in San Juan, Puerto Rico Wednesday, Sept. 27, 2017, to begin a 10-day assessment...
What Stephen Hawking taught me about God’s creation
by Dan Copeland
Stephen Hawking, arguably the most influential scientist in the world of physics and cosmology who died March 14, was remembered June 15...
Sullivan to retire in 2024 from her roles with USMB
Donna Sullivan, USMB administrative secretary, bookkeeper and event planner, will retire from her role with the U.S. Conference of MB Churches in August 2024,...
Roasting coffee is faith in action
True evangelical coffee cannot lie dormant. With every batch of beans he roasts, Tim Unruh of Hillsboro, Kan., is putting his faith into practice....
Trinity Church celebrates anniversary, new building
Joyous praise is the natural response to God’s character and provision. That was the overall tone of the day Sept. 10, 2017, when Trinity...
Hillsboro high school student dies at SDC camp
A teen from Hillsboro, Kansas, died June 7, 2019, while attending the Southern District Conference Senior High Youth Camp held at Sky Ranch Horn...
Multiply board announces new staff positions
The Multiply Board of Directors has announced plans to reorganize the mission agency’s leadership team based on the recommendations from the Multiply Review Task...