Displaced pastor serves God in Malawi refugee camp
Pastor's act of forgiveness gives teeth to the message of peace
By Safari Mutebesha
I have no nationality. I am just of Jesus Christ.
My name is...
Meeting with God in a hospital bed
When Mennonite Brethren are united, we can be God’s tool
by Don Morris
During the first few months of this year I had some health concerns,...
From here to there
Our task is to fill in the details of our new USMB ministry vision
By Connie Faber
In the summer of 2016, U.S. Mennonite Brethren affirmed...
My Thanksgiving list
We're coming up on the Season of Lists—Christmas gift lists and New Year's resolution lists. But before these two holidays comes Thanksgiving. And so...
What can we do?
Thousands dead after Sept. 11 terrorist attacks on U.S. cities. Countless endure long, endless suffering and death in Sudan. 2.5 million dead in past...
The Wolves Among Us
A NATIVE AMERICAN GRANDFATHER was talking to his grandson about how he felt about a tragedy. The older man said, "I feel as if...
Questions about faith and life
Q What ought our response as nonviolent Anabaptists be toward those who so flagrantly and brazenly murdered innocent Americans and others Sept. 11? (California)
Monkeys in the trees
There has been a lot of talk about the freedom we have as Americans in the wake of Sept. 11. In a widely circulated...