Monday, February 10, 2025

The unkillable Anabaptist spirit

“You belong to the accursed Anabaptists, who originate strange sects, opinions, errors and contention among the people!” It was 1544 and John Claesz and...

Everyday discipleship

In the last month of my senior year in high school, I went with my church-going friends on a mission trip to Mexico. We...

Remember, review and renew

Who doesn’t enjoy a milestone birthday party? The year 2025 is one of those “big” birthdays for Mennonite Brethren. It is the 500th anniversary...

Youth and the church: What now?

In 2019, nearly two-thirds of 18-to 29-year-olds in the U.S. who grew up in church and were active as a child or teen told...

Three challenges to discipling young adults

Not long ago I met an old friend for breakfast. We had a wonderful time catching up and reminiscing over days gone by. As...

Why church?

My local church has impacted me in important ways. When I was asked to write about why, as a young adult, I stay involved...

Raising and keeping the next generation

I get frustrated when people say, “Youth are the future of the church.” It is true that someday the 14-year-old will become an elder...

How do you define community?

Cambridge Dictionary defines “community” as “the people living in one particular area or people who are considered as a unit because of their common...