Sunday, February 9, 2025

This land was made for you and me

How land owners can act as good stewards of farmland By Jon C. Wiebe Come with me on a road trip. Travel our constituency from North...

A pastor’s perspective on responding to abuse

To pastors and church leaders… by Jim Amstutz Teaching healthy sexuality is an ongoing challenge for Mennonites. I was asked to co-teach a class for youth...

MCC offers resources to address sexual violence

MCC provides free resources, developing new material By Rachel Bergen Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) has four free resources about sexual abuse and violence that are available...

The law of redemptive physics

Big Thunder Mountain Railroad. Matterhorn Bobsleds. Indiana Jones Adventure: Temple of the Forbidden Eye. Mad Tea Party. And my personal favorite, Space Mountain. Those of...

Mission defined

I was excited and hopeful about what God wanted to say to the 240 Mennonite Brethren leaders from 36 countries who attended the March...

Globalization changes the face of local, global missions

When they walked into the public library I was visiting in St. Paul, Minnesota, the two young Mormon missionaries were impossible to miss. Their...

Reformers and radicals

Five hundred years ago, a German monk by the name of Martin Luther sent out an invitation to debate 95 points of doctrine and...

Why care about Luther and his reforms?

2017 is the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther posting 95 theses on the doors of the churches in the city of Wittenberg, including All...