Prodigal Church points people to Jesus, seeks to bless the world
Churches, like individuals, celebrate birthday milestones, and Prodigal Church in Fresno, Calif., commemorated its first birthday Sept. 24, 2018, with Sunday morning services and...
Mountain View in growth spurt
Mountain View Church (MVC) in Fresno, California, is in the midst of a growth spurt, though it’s not the kind of growth one might...
Busting barriers with a buddy
Six years ago, when Ashley Fruguglietti gave birth to her second child, Jack, she and her husband, Anthony, received surprising news. Their son had...
Neighborhood Church is “For Visalia”
The first thing a person sees when walking into Neighborhood Church in Visalia, Calif., is a giant wooden board inscribed with “For Visalia.” These...
Greenhouse grows disciples
People looking for garden plants will sometimes email the Greenhouse for information. “What do you guys grow over there?” they ask.
“Hopefully disciples,” Pastor Jason...
Five former MC USA congregations join USMB
In a historic moment, the Central District Conference (CDC) welcomed five churches from the former North Central Conference (NCC) of Mennonite Church USA (MC...
Guatemalan pastors hungry for training
When Manny Gonzalez went to Guatemala in April to offer Bible training, local pastors walked as many as seven hours from remote villages to...
Thomas pioneers C2C work in U.S.
In light of the new collaborative partnership between USMB, C2C Network and MB Mission, the Christian Leader visited with Scott Thomas, director of C2C...