Celebrate 2022 cancelled

Gathering for boomers, builders and empty-nesters cancelled due to pandemic concerns


MB Foundation has cancelled Celebrate 2022. The event was scheduled for February 25-27, in San Diego. It is believed to be the best decision given a variety of circumstances faced.

“We were excited for the opportunity to foster new relationships, encourage one another and reignite our calling in this third period of life,” says Jon Wiebe, president and CEO. “But with the heightened concerns related to the pandemic, we felt it was best to cancel.”

Those who have already registered will receive a full reimbursement of their registration fees.

“MB Foundation remains committed to encourage individuals in this life phase and offer opportunities for fellowship and growth in their faith journey,” says Wiebe.

For more information contact celebrate@mbfoundation.com or call 1.800.551.1547.


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