Christian Leader has received first place in the Evangelical Press Association 2022 Best of Class competition.
This is the third year for the Best in Class contest, in which EPA member publications are grouped by circulation and are invited to enter one issue of their publication to be judged in six areas, including design, use and quality of images, strength of writing and titling and “overall editorial punch.”
The CL fell in the 5,001 to 9,000 circulation range. The editors entered the July/Aug issue, which focused on the global Mennonite Brethren church and ministry to immigrants.
“The simple design works well, especially for a Mennonite publication!” wrote the judge. “Enough denomination news to keep one informed—the temptation (which you avoid) is to imagine readers have more interest in this sort of thing than they really do. You rightly emphasize features that help people grow in their faith and service.”
For most magazines, Best of Class contestants compete against a different group of magazines than in the Awards of Excellence contest in which competition is divided by type of magazine. In 2022 the CL received an Award of Merit in the Awards of Excellence—Denominational print category. Awards of Excellence are announced in spring at the annual EPA Christian Media Conference.
“Receiving the Best in Class award for a publication of our circulation as well as the Award of Merit in April affirms the work of our graphic designer, Shelley Plett, as well as the many people who write for the magazine and participate by being interviewed for news stories,” says editor Connie Faber. “These awards recognize the overall quality of our magazine. We received an award in the two previous Best in Class contests — fourth in 2020 and third in 2021. But to receive a first was a very pleasant surprise!”
The first-place Best in Class award comes with a certificate as well as an engraved trophy.

This article has been posted by Christian Leader staff. The Christian Leader is the magazine of U.S. Mennonite Brethren.