The Christian Leader received three awards in the 2023 Evangelical Press Association’s Christian journalism competition for work published in 2022. The awards were announced during the 2023 EPA Christian media convention held April 12-14 in Lancaster, Penn., which editors Connie Faber and Janae Rempel attended.
In the Awards of Excellence contest, the magazine received an Award of Merit in the Most Improved category. The Most Improved award goes to print publications that have made significant content and/or design changes in the past year. The CL submitted the 2021 Sept/Oct and Nov/Dec issues and the corresponding issues from 2022. The 2022 entries reflect the magazine’s most recent redesign.
The judge said, “The focus of the publication changed from a more traditional magazine format and content to much more news and smaller blocks of copy. The content seems to be closer to the publication’s mission statement with the new emphasis on content. You are to be congratulated for the many improved changes. Blessings!”
CL editor Connie Faber says, “We were excited this fall when the CL received first place in the EPA Best in Class competition in which the overall magazine was judged alongside magazines of similar circulation. This Award of Merit also recognizes the overall quality of the CL, but in the Most Improved competition we are judged against all EPA publications, regardless of circulation or type of publication. This award again affirms the work of our designer, Shelley Plett, and the contributions of our columnists, writers and freelance writers that associate editor Janae Rempel and I are privileged to work with.”
The CL received two awards in the Higher Goals competition that honors individual original aspects of a publication, such as writing, photography, design and special features. Members compete against all other publications regardless of circulation or type of publication. Type of EPA print publications are campus, Christian ministry, denominational, devotional, general, higher education, missions, newspaper, organizational and youth. Up to five awards are granted to the top entries.
The magazine received fourth place in Higher Goals: Standing Column for Frontlines, a column written by USMB pastoral staff members. Submitted entries were written by Stuart Curry (“Detail oriented,” Sept/Oct 2022) and Jeremy Jordan (“Untraditional,” Nov/Dec 2022).
“Stuart and Jeremy are both excellent writers,” wrote the judge. “It was a pleasure to read their work. These were both excellent columns I could relate to. I suspect many readers of the publication could too.”
Wendell Loewen received fifth place in Higher Goals: Biblical Exposition for “The Road to Reconciliation” published in the Nov/Dec 2022 issue. The judge wrote, “Overall, very well written. You did a good job retelling the story of Jacob and his reconciliation with his brother. You have a very nice piece.”
Faber says, “Jeremy, Stuart and Wendell are three of the many pastors, college professors and professional men and women who contribute thoughtful and encouraging articles and essays to the CL. They are very deserving of these awards, and I congratulate them for this recognition.”
The Evangelical Press Association is a 75-year-old professional organization of Christian print and digital publications: magazines, newspapers, newsletters and content-driven websites.

This article has been posted by Christian Leader staff. The Christian Leader is the magazine of U.S. Mennonite Brethren.