CL Assistant Editor Job Description


Application deadline: June 16, 2017

Start date: Summer 2017.

Time commitment: 20 to 25 hours per week, ability to work with a flexible schedule desirable.

Environment: Anywhere in the U.S., from a home office preferred.

Reports to: CL editor


Position Summary

The CL assistant editor works directly with the editor and collaboratively with other USMB staff to tell stories that promote and highlight the strategy and vision of the U.S. Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches.

The USMB strategy and vision adopted in 2016 focuses on 

  • three USMB core commitments: church planting/evangelism, intentional disciple-making and leadership development;
  • networking;
  • partnerships with Mennonite Brethren ministries and inter-Mennonite agencies and
  • empowering the local church.

This vision and strategy is rooted in our evangelical and Anabaptist distinctives.


  • Demonstrate integrity and other characteristics of a disciple of Jesus Christ when conducting interviews and when representing the CL and USMB while attending or reporting on district, national and other events;
  • Build and maintain good working relationships with USMB pastoral staff members and partner ministry staff;
  • Embrace the role of denominational journalism in building the Kingdom of God;
  • Assist editor in conducting regular reviews of publication and website design, both appearance and content;
  • Keep current in the profession by pursuing educational and enrichment activities;
  • Be informed regarding national, district and local church events and activities.
  • Actively participate in CL and USMB staff meetings. 


  • Required: Have a personal relationship and commitment to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord and live a life consistent with a commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ;
  • Required: Be actively involved in the life of a local USMB congregation and/or have an understanding of Mennonite Brethren ministries;  
  • Required: Embrace the mission, vision and values of the U.S. Conference of MB Churches and the USMB Confession of Faith;
  • Required: Excellent writing, interviewing, research and editing skills;
  • Understanding of and experience with print and electronic media platforms;
  • Experience in journalistic writing as well as storytelling;
  • Proofreading and copy editing experience, preferably with the Associated Press Styleguide;
  • Bachelor’s degree or two years’ experience in journalism-related field;
  • Experience with social media management;
  • Ability to interact with people in a warm, professional manner;
  • Ability to learn new technology;
  • Ability to maintain confidentially and respond to changes in a timely manner.

Specific Responsibilities

  • Research and write news stories, edit press releases and compile news briefs and church news entries as assigned by the editor and submit by deadline.
  • Complete assigned tasks related to the administrative work involved in publishing C-Link, the biweekly e-news digest, and updating the CL Facebook page and USMB Twitter account.
  • Proofread each issue of the print magazine and online articles as requested. 
  • Assist editor in planning feature section as requested.
  • Open, sort and process paper and electronic mail to Regularly forward mail as appropriate to editor.
  • Correspond with freelance writers as requested by the editor regarding unsolicited manuscripts.
  • Attend USMB national and district events as requested.  


Pay is based upon qualifications and experience.

Magazine Description

Story by story, the Christian Leader strives to deepen the theological understanding of our evangelical and Anabaptist distinctives, to generate conversations over topics pertinent to faith and life and to highlight practical ministry stories. We focus on our agreed-upon core commitments—church planting and evangelism, intentional disciple-making and leadership development. We highlight the contributions of partner ministries, encourage networking and emphasize empowering local congregations. 

The CL is a national magazine, published bimonthly and mailed to approximately 9,500 homes. The CL staff also publishes a biweekly electronic news digest and offers an online version of the magazine.

Our readers attend Mennonite Brethren congregations in the United States or have a connection to our denomination. They are actively involved in a local congregation and share a common interest in family, church life and social issues.


Send a letter of application, resume, writing samples and contact information for three to five letters of reference (including one pastoral) to Connie Faber, Box 115, Hillsboro, KS  67063 or email to

Updated June 3, 2017 to include application deadline and adjustment to start date.



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