CL receives award in EPA’s Higher Goals contest


Ford’s essay awarded fifth place in Cause of the Year category

CL press release

Christian Leader was awarded fifth place in the “Cause of the Year: Apathy” category in the 2014 Evangelical Press Association (EPA) annual Higher Goals contest.

The award went to Matt Ford’s essay, “Film shatters stereotypes of suburban poverty,” published in the February/March 2013 issue. Ford is pastor of student and family ministries at North Fresno MB Church in Fresno, Calif.

The EPA judge said Ford did a “very good job raising and addressing very challenging issues” that are “highly relevant.” The judge affirmed Ford for speaking from personal experience and sharing what one church community is doing to address the issue of suburban poverty.

“Thank you for sharing your story and avoiding using guilt and shame to motivate readers to action,” said the judge. “This raises the issue and gives hope that the problem can and should be addressed in readers' communities.”

CL editor Connie Faber was present when the award was announced May 5 at the Higher Goals Awards Luncheon during the annual EPA convention. Faber received the judges’ comments May 28.

"It is a privilege to work with Matt and the many good writers from our USMB family who contribute to our magazine,” says Faber. “It is an honor for Matt to be recognized for his skills as a writer and his commitment to modeling the hope that Christians bring to our communities."

EPA is a professional association of some 300 Christian print and online publications.—CL


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