The Christian Leader welcomes letters to the editor. Letters should be no more than 500 words and on one subject. Letters must be signed and include the writer’s city and state.
Letters may be edited for clarity, appropriateness and length. Letters should focus on others’ ideas, not motives, character or faith.
Letters to the editor are the opinion of the writer and should not be considered as opinions and positions of the U.S. Conference of MB Churches and Christian Leader.
Letters to the editor will be published online; as of May 1, 2019, letters to the editor are no longer published in the print magazine.
The USMB national director will review all letters to the editor, will determine which letters will be published and has the option of writing a response.
Letters and responses will be published online in a timely manner.
Letters can be sent to the editor at or mailed to:
Christian Leader
Box 155
Hillsboro, KS 67063
Letters to the editor policy updated March 29, 2019 by USMB Leadership Board.
Online comments
We encourage you to comment on articles and essays. The purpose of comments is to engage in constructive dialogue.
We ask that you limit your comments to 500 words.
Comments are screened prior to publication. The editors may remove a comment if the tone and/or content of the posting are considered inappropriate. Comments will also be deleted if they do not pertain to the topic of the article, column or essay. Comments should focus on others’ ideas, not motives, character or faith.
Commenters are strongly encouraged to provide their full name and to not pretend to be someone else.