USMB invites participation in its Giving Tuesday campaign Nov. 30, 2021. Giving Tuesday is a global day to celebrate and encourage giving on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving, Black Friday and Cyber Monday.
“Giving Tuesday funds have greatly helped us over the years to resource USMB mission and ministry activity among our MB family of churches,” says USMB national director Don Morris. “Thank you for partnering with us.”
According to Morris, donations to USMB on Giving Tuesday will help fund USMB’s three core commitments: leadership development, including the new Leadership Pipeline; church multiplication and evangelism and the new Church Planting Council; and disciplemaking through a varied lineup of LEAD initiatives.
In the seven years USMB has participated in Giving Tuesday, donors have given $212,878, including $25,422 in 2020.
Funds raised on Giving Tuesday 2020 were divided between church planting, LEAD initiatives and ethnic-integrated ministries and helped fund a number of USMB activities. In 2021, USMB welcomed more than 140 people in spring and fall LEAD Cohorts; offered more than 20 LEAD Pods episodes; and hosted a LEAD One event in La Grulla, Texas, as well as a webinar series on discipleship.
For more information about Giving Tuesday or to make a donation, visit