Eshbaugh transitions from Central District to MB Foundation

CD minister to serve as director of financial discipleship


Rick Eshbaugh has resigned his position as the Central District Conference minister effective July 31, 2022. He will transition from district leadership to director of financial discipleship at MB Foundation in Hillsboro, Kansas.

Eshbaugh’s departure was announced May 25 jointly by the Central District and MB Foundation. Eshbaugh has served the district’s 39 churches in eight states for the past nine and one-half years.

Eshbaugh’s devotion to the local church has motivated his 35-plus years of service as a pastor in Mennonite Brethren churches in the Southern, Pacific and Central Districts.

As Central District minister, he was directly involved with ministering to pastors and churches as well as overseeing the district’s church plants and church renewal projects. He has served on various national boards for the denomination, providing key leadership to the Congolese Task Force in recent years.

Central District leadership appreciates Eshbaugh’s ministry, says CD chair Lynn Schneider.

“We are very grateful for Rick’s many years of service to the Central District family of churches and for his strong relational and administrative talents,” Schneider says. “We wish Rick and Esther God’s best as they press on to follow the Lord’s leading in their lives. CD leadership has begun to pray for the man that the Lord would have lead us as district minister in the future. A search for Eshbaugh’s replacement will begin immediately.”

During his tenure as Central District minister, Eshbaugh worked closely with the CD Executive Board and Committees in carrying out their ministries to the pastors and congregations.

Central District Leadership and MB Foundation have worked together to facilitate a healthy and effective transition.

“I look forward to encouraging the development of disciples who will model and teach Christ-honoring generosity in their personal and corporate settings,” Eshbaugh says. “I have enjoyed partnering with MB Foundation over the years as both a pastor and district minister. I believe their passion for supporting God’s work has been instrumental in the lives of so many individuals and congregations as they consistently model both generosity and financial integrity. I am really looking forward to serving God in this capacity.”

In his role as director of financial discipleship, Eshbaugh will champion biblical stewardship by serving the national family of MB churches and pastors and resourcing them to develop Christ-centered relationships with their financial resources.

Eshbaugh will also give leadership to other church resources offered by MB Foundation including Leadership Generation Fund, Financial Health and THRIVE.

“I’m excited to have Rick join our team,” says Jon C. Wiebe, MB Foundation president and CEO. “Rick has a deep love for the local church, enormous experience, and the communication skills to help us champion stewardship among our national family. Rick has served our MB family since 1985 locally, at the district level and nationally. His leadership experience will give him the platform to influence many to greater heights of biblical financial discipleship!”

Eshbaugh and his wife, Esther, will relocate to Hillsboro, Kansas.


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