February 2009 — “Blue Highway” reading


Discussion Questions by Joanna Felts

Blue Highway Reading

1. When was the last time you and your family took a “blue” highway route?

  • What did you discover about the route?

  • What did you discover about each other?

  • What interesting places and sights did you discover?

2. When was the last time you took a “blue” highway tour through the Bible?

  • What did you discover about the route?

  • What did you discover about your life?

  • What was one of the most interesting stories you uncovered?

3. The author says, “’Blue highway’ Bible study may provide a slower path to growth, but it can be deeply satisfying.” Why is that a hard concept to accept and follow in the 21st century?

4. Read through or retell the stories of the five women in Matthew 1.

  • Why do you think these stories are recorded?

  • What do they teach us today?

  • What part of each story did you remember from previous reading?

  • What part was new to you with this reading?

5. Find a portion of Scripture that you have not read or studied for awhile. Make it your purpose to meander through it during the coming month; take notes; read the other Scriptures that the Lord brings to mind to reinforce the Scripture you are reading.

Mark 5 — demons, pigs and hope

1. Read through Mark 5:1-20, making notes of specific questions about the passage.

2. What does this passage teach us about the power of Satan and the evil he brings to the world? 

3. Why do you think the people of the village are frightened by a man sitting there fully clothed more than they are frightened by the fact that a herd of 2,000 pigs just careened down a hill into the lake and drowned?

4. What story can you use from the week’s news to give authentication to the author’s statement, “Something is wrong with human beings.”

5. What salvation stories from your group today shows that God seeks humanity?

6. Describe the differences between reform and transformation.

7. The author proposes two truths to be found in this passage. From your reading and your discussion, what other truths can you add to his summary.

Witty Word Power

1. How do these two ideas correspond in your own mind?

  • God made me in his image.

  •  I have a sense of humor.

2. What specific examples can you think of in your own life when you’ve been moved to say, “Who says God doesn’t have a sense of humor?”

3. The author says, “Humor is necessary especially at the most serious time, because it takes just a little wind out of our sails and reminds us not to take ourselves too seriously.” Do you agree? Why or why not?

4. What other biblical stories can you recall that should be read with the idea that humor is imbeded in the story?

5. Discuss times that humor is used in your community of faith. 

  • How can humor be used without offense?

  • What is the difference between “coarse jesting” in Ephesians 5:4 and humor used in good taste?

People of the Book

1. Sharon Weaver states, “Standing away from their context, these verses were still valuable reference points of God’s standards and character.”

  • How would memorizing passages enhance the context of individual verses?

  • Read John 3. Taking John 3:16 as an example, how do you think memorizing the surrounding passage would enhance this valuable scripture?

2. How would committing a passage of Scripture to memory help to answer questions about the passage: what it says, why a word is used, and what the connection is between the verses?

3. If you have seen a dramatized version of any passage of Scripture, how did that enhance your understanding of the passage? If you have not seen this done, how do you think it would help develop the meaning of the passage in your mind?

4. Read the following passages:

a. Romans 10:13-17

b. Hebrews 4:12

Why is the Word of God important to us?

5. Jesus often used the phrase, “Whoever has ears to hear, let him hear.” Why is it important to memorize God’s Word in light of this admonition?

How to memorize

1. Read the following scriptures and examine their meanings:
a. 2 Timothy 2:15
b. Psalm 119:105
c. Joshua 1:8

2. Why is it important to memorize Scripture?

3. Why is the context of scripture important?

4. Commit to memorize one of the following passages from any version you choose during the coming month:
a. 2 Timothy
b. Joshua 1
c. Psalm 63
d. Psalm 77

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