FPU celebrates December graduation


More than 400 new graduates participate in ceremony

FPU news story

More than 400 new graduates took part in the Fresno Pacific University commencement December 16, 2016, at Selland Arena in Fresno, Calif.  Author and preacher R. Scott Rodin spoke on “Choosing the Impossible.”

In all, an estimated 291 students from the bachelor’s degree completion plan graduated, along with 53 from the traditional undergraduate program. The 90 graduate students included one from Fresno Pacific Biblical Seminary. Graduates came from the main Fresno campus, as well as regional campuses in Merced, North Fresno, Visalia and Bakersfield.

Rodin is president of three organizations: Rodin Consulting, Inc.; Kingdom Life Publishing; and The Steward’s Journey. Over 32 years, he has written and taught on the steward leader and nonprofit effectiveness, counseling over 100 colleges, seminaries, schools, churches, parachurch ministries and other not-for-profit organizations in the U.S., Canada and Great Britain. His experience in leadership, fundraising, strategic planning, board development, change management and organizational effectiveness includes leading three successful organizational mergers. Rodin’s 13 books include The Steward Leader, The Seventh Key, The Sower, The Third Conversion, Stewards in the Kingdom and Evil and Theodicy in the Theology of Karl Barth.

Rodin, who is senior fellow of the Association of Biblical Higher Education and past chair of the Evangelical Environmental Network and ChinaSource, served as president of Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary and the Christian Stewardship Association. His master of theology and doctorate of philosophy are from the University of Aberdeen, Scotland. He and wife, Linda, reside in Spokane, Wash.

Also on the platform was Richard Kriegbaum, president of FPU; Donald Griffith, chair of the board of trustees; Dale Simmons, interim senior vice president/provost; and others. The FPU symphonic band, concert choir and music professor and organist Walter Saul provided music.

See the ceremony at fresno.edu/live



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