Fresno churches call for day of prayer for Ukraine

Wednesday, March 16, is set aside as a day of prayer, fasting for Ukraine

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Two Fresno, California, churches are calling for a day of prayer and fasting for Ukraine to be held March 16. Both USMB and MB Foundation are joining in the call.

A letter signed by Fred Leonard, lead pastor of Mountain View Church, and Karissa Liebe, missions pastor at Fresno Peoples Church says,This is an invitation to fight alongside Ukrainian’s who are currently suffering. This is a call to pray. We are storming the gates of hell with the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace…. When the early Church faced trials and needed God’s power to come bursting in, it fasted and prayed ( Acts 13:3-4; 14:23) we want to do likewise.”

The letter also asks participants to fast, saying, “Ask the Lord what he is calling you to abstain from so you can spend more time in concentrated prayer.”

The letter lists specific prayer requests.

  • Peace for Ukraine and the restoration of their sovereignty.
  • The angel armies of heaven to be released to protect Ukraine and the world from a total war or nuclear war.
  • The church in Ukraine and in Russia to experience revival which will lead to a spiritual awakening.
  • The lost to be saved in the midst of the crisis.
  • Demonic principalities, powers of the unseen realm and lying deceptive spirits to be silenced and confused by the armies of heaven so that truth can be brought into the light for all to see (John 1:4-5).
  • The Russian people to hold their government accountable to leave Ukraine.
  • The conflict to end and for families who have been separated due to fighting and evacuations to be restored.
  • Comfort from God for those who have lost a loved ones, seen trauma or are wounded.
  • Children who are caught and confused by the tragic loss of life and family and have seen the horrors of war.
  • Pastors and Missionaries serving in both Ukraine and Russia to be renewed in the strength of the Lord to continue in the work laid before them.


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