Gary Wall no longer to serve with ICOMB

ICOMB executive team formulating new plan for effective future USMB partnership



It is with disappointment that we communicate that Gary Wall has for personal reasons withdrawn his availability to become a USMB-based advocate and resource development partner for the International Community Of Mennonite Brethren. In light of this, we wish Gary God’s favor in the next season of his life journey and encourage you to do the same.

The ICOMB executive team, led by ICOMB executive director Rudi Plett, is working to formulate a plan for appropriate and increasingly effective USMB partnership for the future. We have begun dialogue with USMB national director Don Morris and other leaders to discern God’s wisdom and direction for us.

We appreciate your prayers toward that end and as we continue to lead our global family of churches into increasingly effective mission through our connecting, strengthening and multiplying strategy.

Our missionary God has led and blessed us for 160 years of Mennonite Brethren global disciple making ministry by bringing together a family of 3,000 congregations with over 480,000 members in 21 national conferences. We want to serve this family well, and we need your prayers and ongoing partnership to do that.

Rudi Plett and the ICOMB Executive.


  1. Regarding Gary Wall’s withdrawl….I knew Gary many years ago. It was not a pleasant experience. Finally the world is able to see him for who he truly is. I feel for his wife and family.



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