Gathering 2024 highlights staff changes

OVERVIEW: New national director addresses delegates, retiring staff feted

Aaron Box, who was installed as the new USMB national director, uses a paddle to illustrate his message Friday morning. Photo: CL

USMB Gathering 2024, held July 23-27, in Omaha, Nebraska, marked transitions in national conference staff. Aaron Box, a USMB pastor from Eugene, Oregon, was introduced as the new national director while retiring national director Don Morris and USMB staff members Donna Sullivan and Lori Taylor were recognized for a combined six decades of service.

Box, whose appointment as the lead national staff member was announced in May, addressed delegates Friday morning in a message that touched on the convention theme and outlined his vision for U.S. Mennonite Brethren. Saying that there can be no spectators as USMB moves forward, Box said, “I live in an incredibly liberal, post Christian community. I don’t have to agree with or affirm what someone chooses to do to love them. We can hold conviction firmly and deeply care for those who disagree.”

While delegates appreciated the two National Convention guest speakers, Box’s presentation was a highlight for many and was affirmed for its impact and relevance. “Aaron’s message gave me much to look forward to in our future as MB churches and how we can work better together,” one person wrote in their evaluation.

In addition to looking forward, delegates honored retiring staff. Retirement celebrations began Friday evening when Taylor was recognized for her 16 years of service to USMB. She served as an administrative assistant and webmaster.

Saturday morning Morris and Sullivan were celebrated for 20 and 32 years of employment, respectively. Morris joined the national staff in 2004 as director of Mission USA, the USMB church planting ministry, and assumed the role of national director in 2016. Sullivan has worked as a USMB administrative secretary, bookkeeper and event planner.

The three received gifts and were blessed in retirement with prayer.

Musicians from Stony Brook Church and Hesston (Kan.) MB Church lead worship during Gathering 2024. A team from Iglesia Agua Viva alternated with Stony Brook in leading worship during the week. Photo: CL      

Two events in one

The biennial national gathering drew a total of 306 attendees and was centered on the theme, “Salt and Light: Faithful living in a secular culture.” Gathering 2024 began with a three-day Pastors’ Conference followed by a three-day National Convention.

Local MB churches helped to host Gathering 2024. Childcare and youth activities were organized by Melissa Hanna and volunteers from Stonybrook Church. Worship times during the five days were led by musicians from Omaha’s Iglesia Agua Viva and Stony Brook Church. Yanira Lopez of Iglesia Manantial de Agua Viva shared her testimony during the Pastors’ Conference. Faith Bible Church helped with transportation.

Brian Kluth, national spokesperson for the Financial Health and Bless Your Pastor programs, was the opening convention speaker. Kluth, sponsored by MB Foundation, described seven ways families and churches can shine bright in a dark world, including encouraging and embracing generosity in giving.

Natasha Crain, whose presentations were taken from her book, Faithfully Different, addressed delegates twice on Friday. While Crain’s presentations were noted for being clear and direct, opinions on her content varied. “Natasha was a good speaker, but her content seemed polarizing,” wrote one listener in their evaluation.

Nearly 130 pastors and spouses attended the National Pastors’ Conference July 23-25, that featured Gary Hoag, president and CEO of Global Trust Partners, in four sessions. Hoag, who was sponsored by MB Foundation, spoke about being faithful in stewardship, leadership, governance and accountability. The conference also included affinity groups and a question-and-answer time with district ministers.

Stephen Humber, left, and Bruce Enns, right, were among the staff from Multiply to attend Gathering 2024. Ministry leaders from Multiply, Fresno Pacific University, International Community of Mennonite Brethren, MB Foundation and Tabor College provided brief updates during convention sessions.

Convention schedule prioritizes speakers, workshops

The schedule for the National Convention, July 25-27, prioritized worship sessions and workshops rather than reporting and business. Convention sessions included a keynote speaker, testimony, worship in both Spanish and English and often a video highlighting a USMB program or Mennonite Brethren or inter-Mennonite ministry. Delegates also heard brief updates from the International Community of Mennonite Brethren, Fresno Pacific University, MB Foundation, Multiply and Tabor College.

Fresno Pacific University, MB Foundation, Mennonite Central Committee, Mennonite Disaster Service, Multiply and Tabor College were convention sponsors, providing breaks, dessert, giveaways, speakers and convention bags and lanyards.

Two workshop times were offered Friday afternoon. Multiply’s Stephen Humber led morning prayer times. Meals and break times gave the 261 participants time to talk together and visit with representatives from USMB and inter-Mennonite ministries.

The convention offering supported CORD, the USMB effort to support immigrant churches with three-year grants.

Time spent in worship and the opportunity to visit with one another were highlights for many who attended Gathering 2024. Photo: CL

During the two convention business sessions, the 113 delegates affirmed the ballot for vacancies on the USMB Leadership Board, Board of Faith and Life and MB Historical Commission and on the Multiply and MB Foundation boards. Delegates voted in favor of revisions to the Multiply U.S. bylaws and recognized ICOMB USA as an organization affiliated with the U.S. Conference of MB Churches (USMB). They did not vote in favor of the recommended change to Article IV, Section 1 of USMB by-laws concerning the reversion clause.

Comments about the approach to the sessions, including convention business, may prompt organizers to rework portions of the schedule. Convention sessions generally ran longer than planned and delegates would have appreciated more time for decision making.

Based on event evaluations, delegates enjoyed being in Omaha and spent their free time at Omaha’s Henry Doorly Zoo and Aquarium, browsing the shops in the Old Market neighborhood and exploring the public places along the Missouri river front. The city center hotel location was a plus for many. One attendee wrote, “I was surprised at what Omaha had to offer. So many things within walking distance to the hotel.”

The event evaluation shows that Gathering 2024 was well-received and that most participants’ interest in attending future national events increased. For many, the chance to connect with fellow pastors, church leaders and friends was a highlight. Attendees’ evaluations show they enjoyed worshiping together and hearing testimonies and ministry updates.




Gathering 2024 by the numbers

Pastors’ Conference

Adults: 127

Children: 21

Youth: 9

Staff (Sound/AV/Children/Youth Staff): 14

National Convention

Adults: 227

Children: 25

Youth: 9

Staff: 14

Delegates as indicated on registration: 113



By District 


Eastern: 9

Southern: 87

Pacific: 54

Central: 39


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