The Seven-Day Generosity Challenge, a resource developed and distributed by MB Foundation, is now available in four languages—English, Spanish, Russian and now Amharic.
A request for the study by Ethiopian churches was MB Foundation’s motivation for the Amharic translation. With help from a pastor/teacher in Ethiopia, the study, sermon helps and discussion guides are now available as teaching tools for Ethiopian churches.
During March, Ethiopian Evangelical Church of Denver is initiating a time of focused teaching on generosity for their congregation. The study guides are used to engage discussion in small groups.
“We are very thankful for these free materials. We pray the teaching will resonate with our church,” says Endashaw Kelkele, senior pastor.
The Seven-Day Generosity Challenge was originally released in 2018 and can be used as a church-wide study, small group study or personal study. The daily devotionals compiled in the study were written by pastors and teachers from seven different countries. It provides practical applications for living a generous life. More than four thousand copies have been distributed in the United States in English, Spanish, Russian and Amharic.
In addition, it is has grown in use throughout Eurasia. Through MB Foundation’s partnership with Mission Eurasia approximately 10,000 copies have been made available in Russian, Ukrainian and Georgian.
“It is inspiring to see how God is using this resource to encourage generosity among his people through multiple languages” says Jon C. Wiebe, MB Foundation president and CEO. “He has reached further than we could have imagined.”
All four languages of The Seven-Day Generosity Challenge can be downloaded or are available in hard copy from MB Foundation.
Go to www.mbfoundation.com/sevendaygenerositychallenge to download or order resources.

MB Foundation is the stewardship ministry for the Mennonite Brethren church family in the United States. MB Foundation, headquartered in Hillsboro, Kansas, encourages and assists individuals, congregations and ministries in the Mennonite Brethren community with biblical financial stewardship solutions.