Global MB history book launched


ICOMB commissions book to tell stories of MBs around the world

by Connie Faber

Celebrating 150 years of Mennonite Brethren history is to honor what God has done among MB Christians in 17 countries. And so six years ago the International Community of Mennonite Brethren (ICOMB) commissioned a history book that tells this story from within these countries of origin as much as possible. The result is an almost 400-page book that traces the origins of the denomination and its growth around the world.

At the annual ICOMB meeting held May 21-22 in Lemgo, Germany, editor Abe Dueck of Canada presented ICOMB members with Celebrating 150 Years: The Mennonite Brethren Church Around the World. The book was launched in North America July 13 during the Renewing Identity and Mission consultation. At the opening of Tuesday’s plenary session, Victor Wall, outgoing ICOMB general secretary, presented the book to Dueck who “[gave] God glory for what has been accomplished.”

A Spanish translation has been completed and is being prepared for publication in Paraguay. ICOMB anticipates that additional funding will make it possible to also publish translations in German and French.

Celebrating 150 Years: The Mennonite Brethren Around the World is a rich collection of global MB history with contributors from more than 10 countries. In the preface Dueck writes, “The hope is that this book will provide some new insights into the past, a better understanding of the present and some guidance and hope for the future, all in the realization of our ultimate dependence of God.”
Study questions are give at the end of the book to facilitate use by small groups and in Sunday school sessions. The book can be purchased from Kindred Productions, the North American Mennonite Brethren publishing ministry.


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