Grants, free financial health resources available for USMB pastors

MB Foundation, USMB partner with NAE to offer two free programs


MB Foundation and USMB, in partnership with the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE), are providing two free programs to assist Mennonite Brethren pastors and churches in their stewardship journey. Up to $100,000 has been set aside by MB Foundation and NAE to provide grants for pastors participating in these programs.

Financial Health is a program designed to build biblical financial awareness and strong stewardship habits. The program contains online resources including God is Your Provider, a personal finance course, and a 40 Day Generous Life Devotional training session. In addition to gaining knowledge, participants will also be eligible for grants up to $3,000 to be applied to their personal retirement accounts or to an upcoming sabbatical. Eligible participants are any licensed pastor serving a Mennonite Brethren church.

The second program is Bless Your Pastor and is a partnership between USMB and MB Foundation to encourage the local church to show and share God’s love with their pastors and church staff. The program includes over 50 ideas for ways to show love to pastors. Church leadership, staff and lay leaders are encouraged to participate by implementing one of the many ideas in their local church. Participating churches can apply for a $1,000 grant available to a licensed pastor for personal retirement savings or to an upcoming sabbatical. The lead pastor will also qualify for a $250 gift card.

Church relations director Marlin Hiett is leading this new initiative for MB Foundation. With over 30 years of pastoral ministry, Hiett understands the unique financial challenges many pastors and churches face.

“One of my greatest joys in pastoral ministry is encouraging people and giving them resources to further their walk with Jesus,” Hiett says. “Pastors also need this encouragement and these resources are designed to help them develop their financial health as they lead the church.”

Pastors and churches can sign up or learn more by visiting or contacting Hiett at or 1-800-551-1547.


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