Holmes hired as social media coordinator


Holmes adds social media duties to her plate

USCMBC Press Release

The U.S. Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches (USCMBC) has hired Myra Holmes of Denver, Colo., as social media coordinator; Holmes will begin her duties Sept. USCMBC initiated the position of social media coordinator one year ago to enable the organization to better connect with current and future members of the church, both in the United States and abroad.

“I am excited to build on the connections our first social media coordinator, Justin Salters, began,” Holmes says. “We have a good story to tell as a USMB family; God is truly at work in and through us. Social media adds powerful tools to our communications toolbox to better connect us and to share that story.”

As the part-time social media coordinator, Holmes is responsible for strengthening and managing USMB’s social media presence on platforms such as Facebook and Twitter and developing additional web strategies to facilitate online community among USMB members. Beyond social networking, the coordinator is expected to be a “passionate steward of the USMB Conference and its mission.”

Holmes holds a degree in English from Tabor College, Hillsboro, Kan., and also serves as assistant editor for the Christian Leadermagazine. She and her husband, Ed, are active at Trailhead Church, a Mennonite Brethren church plant in Centennial, Colo. They have two college-age daughters.

USMB Executive Director Ed Boschman says, “We are very fortunate to be able to place Myra in this ministry. Her role as assistant editor for the Christian Leader will create an opportunity for seamless collaboration between our print and online magazine and our social media initiative.”


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