Scholarships awarded to 11 students, 5 schools
ICOMB news story
The International Community of Mennonite Brethren (ICOMB) has announced the 2013-14 recipients of the Global Scholarship Fund (GSF), established by ICOMB and MB Mission in 2010 to train leaders responsible for leadership development.
Each year endowments established by generous individuals and families generate funds aimed at leadership development in ICOMB member conferences. This year approximately $40,000 was disbursed to students and institutions.
“The genius of the fund is that these students are in positions of leadership already, teaching others or guiding national ministries,” says David Wiebe, ICOMB executive director. “We are helping Mennonite Brethren global churches to leverage the gifts of people in leading positions, equipping them for even greater effectiveness.”
Because scholarships are distributed to MB students around the world, Mennonite Brethren around the globe are invited to contribute to the fund. USMB individuals who want to support the Global Scholarship Fund may direct their designated gift to MB Foundation. ICOMB is also open to anyone wishing to create a named endowment towards a specific Mennonite Brethren conference or school in the Global South. Interested donors may contact ICOMB’s Wiebe or Jon Wiebe at MB Foundation for further information.
The purpose of the Global Scholarship Fund is to assist students from Mennonite Brethren (ICOMB) member conferences located in the Global South and/or in emerging, small conferences of the Global North. In granting scholarships, ICOMB gives priority to students in areas of the Mennonite Brethren world where there is less local funding available.
The Global Scholarship Fund Committee selected the recipients at their annual meeting May 21, held in conjunction with the ICOMB Summit. The 2013 ICOMB Summit was held May 21-27 near Trujillo, Peru.
Individual Students
BI Premiah, CS Joel and RN Peter – all are doctoral students and professors at the MB Centenary Bible College in Shamshabad.
G Ross – Master of Missiology student, India MB Conference leader overseeing church extension workers
Chistine K Mayani – Master of Theology student, pastor and assistant professor at Christian University of Missions in Kinshasa.
Kukedikila Muller – Doctor of Theology student, Kinshasa Conference Urban Pastor Coordinator and professor at UCKin, Kinshasa
Ana Milena G. Elejalde – Bachelor of theology student, worship pastor
Erika GP Cortes – Bachelor of theology student, deacon, youth and children’s pastor
Rafael Zaracho – Doctoral student and professor at Instituto Biblico Asuncion
Yosio Fujii – Master of Theology student at Fresno Pacific Biblical Seminary
Moises Mente – Bachelor of theology student, associate pastor, Lisbon.
Nzashi Mwadi and Kikwit Bible Schools, Congo, for theology students
Christian University of Kinshasa (UCKIN), Congo, for nursing students
International Mennonite Biblical University of Angola (IBUMA) for Bible students
Mennonite Brethren Centenary Bible College of India (MBCBC) for Bible Students

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