ICOMB announces staff change

Daniela Grimm is new executive assistant


Daniela Grimm, of Paraguay, is the new executive assistant for the International Community of Mennonite Brethren. ICOMB made the announcement in its May 2021 Prayer Update.

“ICOMB leadership is thankful for the joy (Grimm) has expressed to be part of this team, and we look forward to working together,” the update says.

Grimm, who is from Asunción, Paraguay, provides administrative assistance to ICOMB executive director Rudi Plett and other staff members. Her role includes communication, translations and event planning.

Grimm fills the role vacated by Rebekah Doerksen, who resigned in May after eight years of service with ICOMB.

“ICOMB leadership has always felt that the work was not just a to-do list for Rebekah, but that she had a desire to contribute to the global family,” the update says of Doerksen. “We are very thankful for her contributions in love, prayer, ideas, suggestions, communications, organization and the many practical jobs she accomplished.”

Doerksen began assisting former executive director Dave Wiebe in 2013. Doerksen says she has sensed that with all the challenges of the past two years, it is time to hand over responsibility, concentrate on her family and spend time in rest and reflection to see where God is leading her next.

“I will miss my co-laborers in the MB family,” says Doerksen, “but take comfort that we are indeed unified in Christ and that they are never far from my thoughts or prayers.”




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