Last year, BK, a Khmu Mission Conference leader, took a small team across the border from the restricted country where they live to another restricted area. The purpose of this trip was to explore and discern opportunities to preach and teach in that region. On this trip they met a few believers and pastors and have been connecting with them to build relationships. They plan to provide these churches with discipleship and leadership training to see the gospel penetrate this restricted region.
The Khmu church leaders are filled with compassion for those around them, especially in places where people are suffering because of poverty. The government does little to assist the poorer villages, especially the ones where some families have become followers of Jesus. With the partnership of agencies like Multiply and others, the churches are providing practical assistance like clean water and sanitation projects and helping the local schools have the resources to provide local children with an education.
One example is the building of new classrooms in very poor villages that have neglected and broken-down schools. These practical expressions of love and generosity have resulted in opportunities to share the gospel, and people are turning from their fear of the spirits to following Jesus. But this change can often result in opposition or persecution.
The Khmu Mission Conference was born amid opposition and persecution, resulting in a strong church ready to face many challenges for God’s glory. Over the last 20-plus years, the conference has grown and today there are over 160 churches and 12,000-plus members. Many more house churches and new churches being planted.
The conference is led by a team of leaders, including BK, from several provinces while teams of leaders are being trained to give leadership to regional clusters and networks of churches.
Prayer requests:
- Pray for Khmu conference leaders as they plan to reach out to many villages in their own country and bordering countries to make new disciples, plant new churches and train new leaders. They have a vision to reach other indigenous people groups with the good news of Jesus.
- Pray that leaders will have courage, power and wisdom (Acts 4) as they often face opposition from local spiritual and government leaders.
- Pray for the new believers to stand strong and for those opposing them to have their hearts changed by the grace of God.
Did you know?

- The word Khmu means “real people” or “human being.”
- The Khmu are an ethnic group of Southeast Asia, living on mountain slopes and in upland valleys.
- Khmu people are skilled in the use of bamboo, using it for baskets, musical instruments, water containers or houses.
The International Community of Mennonite Brethren is a global fellowship of 22 member national churches in 19 countries. Our global family has approximately 450,000 official ICOMB members. ICOMB has associate members in over 20 more countries. Associate members are all on different points along the pathway to full membership. ICOMB exists to facilitate relationships and ministries to enhance the witness and discipleship of its member national churches – connecting, strengthening and expanding.