ICOMB launches scholarship


Developing leaders in all professions is goal of new program

ICOMB news release

The International Community of Mennonite Brethren (ICOMB) has launched a Global Scholarship Fund to develop leaders for MB churches around the world, not only in biblical and theological studies, but also in education, medicine, business and other professions.

“Our goal is to build visionary and sustainable local and national churches everywhere the Mennonite Brethren family exists,” says Dalton Reimer, ICOMB’s education facilitator. Priority will be given to candidates outside North America for study within their home country.

MB Mission, the global MB mission agency, will manage the fund on behalf of ICOMB. MB Mission is directing earnings from its previous educational endowments into the Global Scholarship Fund, integrating resources for MB leadership training around the world. In its management role, MB Mission will receive and receipt all gifts on behalf of ICOMB.

ICOMB is a growing, global association of 19 national MB conferences.


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