MB Foundation issues annual report

2017 a year of building for MB Foundation

MB Foundation, located on East D Street in Hillsboro, Kansas, is an important USMB financial and ministry partner.

The ministry of MB Foundation experienced building in many ways in 2017. The most obvious expression was in the construction of a new office located in Hillsboro, Kansas. The 8,700 square foot facility is the corporate headquarters designed to better serve the nationwide constituency. It is the first new facility for MB Foundation in 63 years.

“This isn’t something everyone gets to do, and we feel blessed to be entrusted with this new building as we seek to build stewardship among our constituency,” says Jon C. Wiebe, president and CEO of MB Foundation.

Another growth area in 2017 was the Celebrate 2017 gathering held in Denver, Colorado. Hosted by MB Foundation every other year, the national gathering was the second of its kind targeting boomers, builders and empty nesters. Attendance increased by 40 percent from the inaugural gathering in 2015 in Overland Park, Kansas. Attendees came from 13 different states plus Canada to experience renewal of body, soul and spirit. Plans are being made for the next Celebrate event to be held in Omaha, Nebraska, in late September 2019.

MB Foundation started a leadership scholarship program in 2016 to provide funding for those pursuing MB ministry opportunities in pastoral leadership or missions. In 2017, 28 awards were granted for a total of $36,400.

LeadGen recipient Daniel Rodriguez of Omaha, says “For my family and me this is God providing for us and affirming the plan he has for our lives.”

Other highlights included:

  • Total assets under management increased from $178 million in 2016 to $182 million in 2017.
  •  Donations made through MB Foundation reached a 10-year high, with donations of $5,627,812 made to 265 charities.
  • The standard endowment portfolio had investment returns of 13 percent. The performance growth strengthens ministry across the constituency
  • The certificate program finished the year with a portfolio of over $91 million across 743 investors. The investors earn a rate of return while the investment is used to provide loans to churches, pastors and ministries.
  • The loan program ended the year with a portfolio of over $76 million to 104 borrowers. The amount represents the highest year-end total in the history of MB Foundation.
  • Annual support to the national Mennonite Brethren church family continued in 2017 with a gift of $220,801 to USMB. “As instructed in 1 Timothy 6:18, we desire to serve from the abundance God has given us and look forward to building together for God’s glory,” says Wiebe.

The 2017 Annual Report can be viewed at www.mbfoundation.com/2017annualreport.



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