MB Foundation makes LeadGen awards


Pastor, student receive funds for leadership training

MB Foundation press releaseLeadGen


The LeadGen Awards Committee has granted the first two awards from the newly launched Leadership Generation Fund (LeadGen).

Michael Thompson, a junior at Fresno Pacific University in Fresno, California, pursuing a degree in biblical and religious studies, has been awarded $1,000 for the spring 2017 semester.  Kyle Goings has received an award of $1,500 for spring of 2017 in his pursuit of a masters in Ministry Entrepreneurship and Innovation at Tabor College Wichita. Goings is serving at First MB Church, Wichita, Kansas, as pastor of student ministries.

“I am so excited to see this dream become a reality as the first funds have been awarded.  We are trusting that this Fund will help prepare many for MB ministry,” says Jon C. Wiebe, president and CEO of MB Foundation.

LeadGen will be granting annual scholarships ranging from several hundred dollars to $3,000 to encourage leadership development through the local church, FPU, Fresno Pacific Biblical Seminary, MB Mission and Tabor College. Other opportunities will be considered on a case by case basis. A total of $50,000 is available per year.

The goal of LeadGen is to serve as a catalyst to call out leaders, provide funding for leadership development and become a key component to providing more young people trained and ready for Mennonite Brethren pastoral ministry. The Awards Committee consists of Marci Bertalotto, Fresno; Wendell Loewen, Hillsboro, Kansas; Don Morris, Edmond, Oklahoma;  Brian Wiebe, Fresno; and Wiebe of MB Foundation.

For more information about LeadGen, please visit www.mbfoundation.com/leadgen. Questions may be directed to LeadGen@MBFoundation.com.



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