MB Foundation to distribute $20,000 to ministries winners select
MB Foundation press release
Winners of MB Foundation’s Giving Challenge have been announced. The winners are Ron Weidner of Huron, SD; Michelle Hamilton of Cimarron, Kan.; Garry Kargel of Eugene, Ore.; and Glenn Ratzlaff of Hillsboro, Kan. Each winner was randomly selected and will receive $5,000 to give away to the ministry(ies) of their choosing.
The purpose of the Giving Challenge was to gather brief giving stories to help encourage generosity and release resources back into God’s kingdom for further impact. The winning stories range from paying someone’s utilities and making mortgage payments to giving a car to a family in need.
MB Foundation’s Giving Challenge concluded at the end of April, documenting over $1.1 million of generosity throughout 14 different states.
“I enjoyed reading all of the stories and was very encouraged by the level of participation in the Giving Challenge,” says Jon C. Wiebe, president and CEO of MB Foundation. “We are excited to be able to come alongside these individuals and provide them with the resources to bless others and to encourage a spirit of generosity!”
With a total of four winners, an additional $20,000 will be made available from MB Foundation to ministry through these four individuals.
“Even though the Giving Challenge is over, we encourage you to continue to practice and spread generosity!” says Wiebe.
To read the full version of the winning stories and a few additional stories visit www.mbfoundation.com/givingchallengestories.

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