Multiply U.S. region has new name

Second U.S. region, formerly Midwest U.S., renamed East of the Rockies


Multiply, the North American MB global mission agency, has announced that “East of the Rockies” is the new name for the U.S. region that includes the Central, Eastern, LAMB and Southern District Conferences.

“For a long, long time, Multiply’s ‘Midwest region’ hasn’t adequately described the area that includes the four USMB districts we serve,” writes Stephen Humber in the regional monthly update. “We’re glad to now be using a name that includes everyone, “East of the Rockies.”

In addition to Humber, mission mobilizer, East of the Rockies personnel include Heidi Quiring, Joanna Chapa and Brielle Loewen, administrative assistant.

Quiring has a new title, mission training mobilizer, and is working full time. This change is part of an ongoing shift from the former short-term mission idea to a vision in which short-term programs serve as training experiences.

Chapa has also moved from serving as a part-time member of the mobilizing team to fulltime. She will share the role of regional mobilizer with Humber.


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