US. Mennonite Brethren congregations are invited to observe Peace Sunday Sept. 17, 2023, together with the global Anabaptist church family. Worship and resource materials prepared by Mennonite World Conference are available.
The theme for this year’s Peace Sunday is “We are family! Participating in God’s family.”
“This year’s Peace Sunday resources explore what makes a ‘family’ a space in which people can embody just and peaceful relationships with one another, witnessing to God’s shalom,” writes Peace Commission Secretary Andrew Suderman in an email news release.
The MWC 2006 Peace Commission chose the Sunday nearest to the International Day of Peace, established by the United Nations in 1981 as Sept. 21, as a Peace Sunday to be observed by MWC member churches.
Congregations that observe Peace Sunday are encouraged to contact MWC with their stories, reports and photos. These can be sent to They will be shared with the global church community.
To download Peace Sunday resources, visit

Mennonite World Conference is a communion of Anabaptist-related churches linked to one another in a worldwide community of faith for fellowship, worship, service, and witness. USMB is a member conference of this global ministry.