NPO postponed indefinitely

USMB Board of Faith and Life will host the biennial National Pastors Orientation when COVID-19 restrictions are lifted

Pastoral staff members and their spouses gathered around tables for communion at the conclusion of the 2019 National Pastors' Orientation. Photo: Lori Taylor

The National Pastors Orientation (NPO), hosted by the U.S. Board of Faith and Life and scheduled for March 22-24, 2021, in San Diego, California, has been postponed indefinitely due to COVID-19.

“We don’t have an alternate date to announce at this time,” says Tim Sullivan, BFL chair. “We’ve talked about doing a virtual orientation but that is not an appealing alternative, although it may be necessary if in-person gathering does not become a normal part of our lives in the near future.”

The biennial NPO is designed for Mennonite Brethren pastors and spouses new to the pastorate or new to USMB. The orientation provides an opportunity for pastoral couples to get connected, learn about the MB family and the many resources available as well as to meet national and district leaders and pastors. The event is typically held in a resort setting and is intended to be informational while also providing a time of renewal and refreshment.

Pastors interested in attending the next NPO should contact their district minister.


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