Portland congregation starts daughter church


Sellwoord-Moreland area target community for new church plant

Mission USA news story

Trinity Church of Portland, Ore., our USMB church plant started September 2010, has recently announced that they are planting another church in the Portland area with Jared and Julia Pulliam (right) as the church plant couple.

Jared joined the Trinity staff full time August 1 and has begun the process of forming a core team for the new plant, with an anticipated launch on Easter Sunday, 2013. Mission USA and the Pacific District Conference will be major partners in the new plant, providing both leadership support and funding.

The anticipated location for the church plant is the Sellwood-Moreland area. In fact, the Pulliams have already secured housing in that area of Portland.

“Sellwood fits us well, and we believe people in that part of Portland are hungry for truth. Our vision is much like Trinity’s, to teach deeply from the Word of God,” says Jared.

Pulliam is currently completing a seminary degree from Western Seminary in Portland, with an anticipated degree in biblical theological studies. He has also been under the tutelage of Trinity’s lead pastor, Art Azurdia.

“Jared has prepared himself well for this new work,” Azurdia says.

Julia Pulliam, a nurse and mom to their three young children, is also a gifted facilitator, encourager and administrator. “They make a great team and have a great marriage,” says Don Morris, Mission USA director. “We are already making an impact in Portland, and it’s going to continue to increase, Lord willing.”

Morris says, “I am personally thrilled that a church as young as Trinity, just two years old, is already in a position to plant another church. We anticipate that a few people will leave Trinity to join the Pulliams, giving them stability from the beginning. Trinity Church has said all along that they want to be all about doing whatever it takes to reach people, and this church plant is a passion-filled indicator that they mean it.”

Azurdia is also in the process of training several more young men for future church planting and/or pastoral ministry. “It’s part of what we do here at Trinity to prepare for future church planting—training up new leaders,” Azurdia says.

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