MB Mission searches for new Midwest regional mobilizer
by Myra Holmes
Jon Pritchard, MB Mission’s regional mobilizer for the Midwest U.S., has resigned effective March 31, and the global mission agency is currently seeking a new person to fill this position.
As regional mobilizer, Pritchard worked with Mennonite Brethren churches east of the Rocky Mountains to mobilize personnel for short and long-term mission, for prayer and for financial support. MB Mission is the global mission agency of Mennonite Brethren in the U.S. and Canada.
“Jon has been a gift to our MB Mission team, serving the churches and our missionaries faithfully over the last four years as regional mobilizer,” says Larry Neufeld, MB Mission lead team member.
Pritchard began serving in this role in January 2010. Prior to that, he served as a church planting missionary in Mexico City and surrounding areas and as pastor of family ministries at Hillsboro (Kan.) MB Church.
“This role allowed me the privilege to participate in what God is doing around the world alongside so many brothers and sisters who have become special friends and partners in ministry over many years,” writes Pritchard in an email to Midwest church leaders. “It has also brought many amazing new friendships into my life and that of my family.”
Pritchard and his wife, Juana, have two children, Katie and Jeff.
Pritchard writes that he is entering “a phase of prayer and discernment about future life and ministry” and adds that he and his family “covet your prayers as we set out on this adventure.”
Neufeld asks U.S. Mennonite Brethren to pray as MB Mission seeks to fill the regional mobilizer position, and he assures congregations in the Southern, Central, LAMB, and North Carolina districts that MB Mission will continue to serve them in the meantime.
Questions about missionaries or donations should be directed to Chris Spahr, administrative assistant in the Wichita, Kan., office, at Wichita@mbmisson.org or 316-729-6465. Questions about MB Mission short-term mission programs such as SOAR, ACTION or TREK should be directed to Joanna Chapa, short-term mission mobilizer, at joannac@mbmission.org.

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