A highly respected leader in seminary education is putting her gifts and commitment to use on a broader stage.
Valerie Rempel will step down as vice president and dean of Fresno Pacific Biblical Seminary at Fresno Pacific University and join The Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada (ATS) as a director of accreditation August 30, 2021.
Rempel joined the seminary faculty in 1996, was appointed dean in 2014 and vice president in 2019. She also served as associate professor and J.B. Toews Chair of History and Theology and was a past director of the Center for Anabaptist Studies. Tim Geddert, professor and program director of New Testament, will act as interim dean.
“We congratulate Valerie on her new position and look forward to seeing the impact she will have on the education of seminarians at the institutional level,” says Joseph Jones, president of FPU. “Valerie’s focus has always been to help students grow in their knowledge of and love for Jesus and his church and pass that on in their work and life.”
Strong relationships, especially those with faculty and students, have been a highlight of her time at Fresno Pacific, Rempel says.
“It has been my privilege and great joy to serve the seminary and university and I will miss being part of the day-to-day community of FPU,” she says. “At the same time, I’m looking forward to contributing in a new way to the work of theological education across the U.S. and Canada.”
ATS includes more than 270 graduate schools offering postbaccalaureate degree programs in ministry, teaching and research in the theological disciplines. Member schools come from Christian and Jewish faiths, including the full range of Christian denominations and traditions as well as multidenominational and nondenominational schools. (More at ats.edu/)
The organization has two separate corporations: The Association provides programs, services, research and other resources to support administrators and faculty at member schools. The Commission on Accrediting accredits institutions and approves degree programs offered by accredited schools.
Working in the Commission on Accrediting, each of the five directors of accreditation facilitate the accrediting relationship with about 60 member schools through visits and related activities. They also provide education, training and support about the process of accreditation; support the work of the ATS Board of Commissioners; contribute to association programs and services; and maintain involvement with the broader community of theological and higher education.
Rempel earned a doctorate from Vanderbilt University in 2003, a masters from Vanderbilt University in 1999, a masters from Mennonite Brethren Biblical Seminary (now Fresno Pacific Biblical Seminary) in 1992 and a bachelor’s degree from Tabor College in 1978. She was elected to the ATS Board of Commissioners in 2020.
Founded in 1955 as Mennonite Brethren Biblical Seminary, the seminary became Fresno Pacific Biblical Seminary on its 2010 merger with Fresno Pacific University. In 2019-2020, 170 students pursued nine academic degrees online and on campus at 1717 S. Chestnut Ave., Fresno. All programs emphasize biblical and theological reflection, personal and community formation, skill development and supervised experiential learning.

Fresno Pacific University is California’s Central Valley’s only accredited Christian university, connecting every student’s untapped potential with unlimited opportunity for professional, personal and ethical growth. Nonprofit and independent, FPU offers more than 100 areas of study to about 4,000 traditional undergraduate, adult degree completion, graduate and seminary students at the main campus in Southeast Fresno and throughout the Valley at regional campuses in North Fresno, Visalia, Bakersfield and Merced as well as online.
Congratulations Valerie!
First of all, your years at the seminary–in all the ways you’ve served it–have been stellar. You have done more than just ride the “roller coaster” of changes over the past 25 years, including a merger into Fresno Pacific University. You have given the institution strength and stability. You’ve also inspired a generation or more of students. Only recently I heard an alumnus say your spiritual memoirs course was life-changing. I have especially enjoyed the pieces you’ve published, and know others inspired by your writing.
Having worked with you at the seminary and university for 12 of those years I also know the integrity you brought to the academic and systemic processes of both. It is no surprise that those who carry responsibility for such things over institutions across the continent have also noticed and turned to you to guide those institutions in achieving excellence. ATS will be blessed to have you. And may you sense God’s blessing on you as you take this significant role!
Congratulations! Your gifts, ability and experience will benefit ATS immensely. God bless you in this new position which He has planned for you.