San Antonio 2011 coverage to include social media


Live updates, photos and video to be posted

What could be more fitting than for a Mennonite Brethren event focusing on the next generation to make use of the next generation in communication tools? Coverage of the next National Youth Convention, San Antonio 2011, will include both online reports and various social media connections, including Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.

Live updates, photos and video links from the event will be available on Facebook at Video content and reactions from SA2011 will be posted on YouTube:

Live microblogging will be posted on Twitter at @sanantonio201. According to Justin Salters, USMB social media coordinator, SA2011 participants will be able to Tweet their reactions to the conference and be part of the ongoing conversation by including the hashtag #SA2011.

The Christian Leader will also be posting online reports from the convention at Look for print coverage in the June/July issue of the CL.

SA2011 will be held April 16-19 in San Antonio, Texas.


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