Christ Community Church ready to expand facilities
Mission USA news story
Christ Community Church (CCC) of Sioux Falls, SD, a USMB church planted in 2006, continues to move ahead with vision and expansion. The church recently voted unanimously to lease their building’s next adjacent “bay” in order to provide more space for their growing children’s programs.
“We are at capacity in our kids’ programs, often having over 25 kids in a fairly small room, and between 30 to 50 for a Sunday,” writes Troy Weiland, who has just completed his first year as Christ Community’s pastor, in a letter to CCC supporters. “The three existing rooms are often at capacity each Sunday morning. The need is certainly upon us,” writes Weiland.
“Life in a church plant is truly living a life of faith,” says Ron Ortman, church elder chair in a recent email to Don Morris, Mission USA director. “It is also a life of the faithful, those who have in the past and continue today to support God’s work through Christ Community Church. I want to thank Mission USA for your partnership and encouragement over the short life of Christ Community Church. Your help was invaluable to getting us up and on our way.”
Now the church relies on the giving of those who call Christ Community their home church and others who continue to support the ministry. A few years ago the church expanded their sanctuary by knocking out a wall that separated existing space from the building’s bay to the west. Now they will use the next west bay for the new children’s area, providing significant space that will be divided into areas for various children’s age groups.
Many young families are a part of this lively congregation and don’t necessarily have a lot of extra income to apply to a building project, but they are dedicated to making it happen.
“I was present the Sunday they voted for this new expansion and I was amazed about the unified and excited atmosphere,” says Morris of Mission USA. “It was a pleasure to witness God moving in a powerful way as this young church gets poised for even more growth and to reach more people with the gospel.”
Pastor Weiland adds, "Truly a ministry is sprouting before us; we are seeing great numbers of new kids coming each and every Sunday. Our Sunday school leader, Linda (Ortman) along with her other volunteers, are joyfully sharing the good news of Christ each week, and the kids are responding. The unanimous vote said this, ‘We are committed together for the cause of Christ, and we move by faith.’ In a vote of expansion like this, I want to truly say thank you to all our MB churches and our MB supporters—you are a big part of making this happen! May this prove to be your joy as well.”
Christ Community Church is located near downtown and the city’s mall and is just east of I-29 in Sioux Falls.
“I remember riding around Sioux Falls in 2005 with church planters Rod and Donna Anderson and then district minister Roger Engbrecht praying and wondering where God would have us plant this new church,” says Morris. “They started out in a local school gym and then moved to this city-center location where God has demonstrated his great faithfulness and continues his life-transforming work.”
Photo: Ron Ortman, elder chair at Christ Community Church; photo provided by CCC.

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