Seasonal devotionals available online


Lent, Pentecost materials offered by ministries

MB Biblical Seminary and International Community of Mennonite Brethren press releases

Two Mennonite Brethren ministries are offering online devotionals for upcoming events in the church year. MB Biblical Seminary (MBBS), the school for graduate-level theological education for Mennonite Brethren in the U.S. and Canada, is again offering a Lent devotional from Ash Wednesday, Feb. 17, to the day after Easter, April 5. The International Community of Mennonite Brethren (ICOMB), a global fellowship of national MB conferences, is offering 50 meditations to be used between Easter and Pentecost.

MBBS’s Lent devotional, Walking with Jesus in Faithfulness, is a “roadmap for the walk of the faithful,” says Lynn Jost, MBBS president. “(Lent) is a special time of walking with Jesus in discipleship. Jesus’ walk of faithfulness took him to the cross. Along the way Jesus calls his followers to take up their cross.” The 50-day guide, written by faculty, staff and students, will reflect each writer’s personal walk of faithfulness as they consider the biblical text for the day. Walking with Jesus in Faithfulness is available online at www.mbseminary.eduor by calling 800-251-6227.

This will be the second year for MBBS’s Lent devotional. The seminary also offered Advent devotions before Christmas in 2008 and 2009. Over 500 people subscribed to the daily 2009 Advent devotional e-mail; 800 visited the Web site in the first day; another 150 downloaded it to their android phone. 

ICOMB’s Pentecost devotional will feature meditations by Mennonite Brethren from most of ICOMB’s 18 member conferences, including both men and women, young and old. “The intent, in addition to edifying believers and enhancing our unity, will allow voices of a broad cross section of the church to be heard,” says Victor Wall, executive secretary of ICOMB. Harold Ens, former director of MBMS International, serves as editor. The ICOMB devotional will also be available online; see for more information.


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