Seminary continues Advent devotional


Online devotional continues as binational project

MBBS Press Release

MB Biblical Seminary, now part of Fresno Pacific University, will again provide Advent devotionals for 2010. The Fresno, Calif., seminary is the school for graduate-level theological education for U.S. Mennonite Brethren.

This will be the third year the seminary has provided Advent devotionals. “The two prior Advent devotional series have been received very favorably,” says Lynn Jost, seminary dean and FPU vice president. “We want to build on that positive tradition.”

Devotionals will again be distributed in electronic and printed formats. More than 500 people took advantage last year of the e-mail subscription, which delivers the daily devotional to subscribers each morning. Many more accessed the entire devotional guide on the seminary Web site,, or through links like the one on the U.S. MB Web site,

“Jesus is our focal point, the center of our faith,” affirms Mark Isaac, director of seminary advancement and the one responsible for producing the devotional. “Preparing a devotional for this time of year gives us a unique opportunity as the seminary community to call us all to his attention. We celebrate that Jesus came once, and we anticipate with joy the advent of his return.”

With the transition of the seminary into FPU in June and the subsequent separation of U.S. and Canadian seminary education for Mennonite Brethren, the devotional will promote a continuing strong collegial spirit across the border, according to Jost. Though the devotional will appear with distinct covers for the U.S. and Canada, contributing authors come from both nations.

Look for the 2010 Advent devotions to arrive online and in print in time for the first day of Advent, Nov. 28.


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