SMCC Lehi celebrates baptisms


Publicly declaring one’s faith a huge step

Mission USA news story

Photo: Pastor Eric Nelson, left, says, “It’s been a surprise, but we actually have a lot of older people in our church. There is a wide range of ages and life experience." Photo courtesy of Mission USA

Twelve people have been baptized in the first six months since South Mountain Community Church (SMCC) planted its newest campus in Lehi, Utah. Lehi is located in Utah County, the least “churched” county in the United States where fewer than 1 percent of the county’s 560,974 people are affiliated with an evangelical church.

Eric Nelson, pastor at SMCC Lehi, says baptism is a significant step for someone who was once a Mormon. “We have to realize that for many people coming out of Mormonism, the profession of their new faith in Jesus through baptism is a huge, huge step,” says Nelson. “Not only is it a public declaration of their faith, but often it is not well received by their family. There are several instances where this means a break from their family or a rejection by their family. To make the choice to follow Jesus is not a gray area; it’s black and white. You're in or out, status quo or rejected.”

In his video testimony, Rhett, one of the dozen people baptized, talks about being scared the first time he attended SMCC Lehi. He also recalls the impact of hearing the Bible being preached in a way he had never experienced before. “It was so helpful,” says Rhett. “It got into my heart…. I’m being baptized today because I believe in Jesus. I believe he’s my Savior.”

SMCC, planted in 1996, was the first U.S. Mennonite Brethren congregation planted in Utah. SMCC has four campuses, of which Lehi is the newest. SMCC Lehi is a church planting partnership involving SMCC, the Pacific District Conference and Mission USA, the USMB church planting ministry.



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