South Dakota congregations impacted by severe storms

Straight-line winds damage pastor’s home near Dolton, church roof in Huron

In less than three hours, a small army of volunteers completed repairs on the Bethesda Church roof that was damaged in a May 12 storm. Photo: Bethesda Facebook

Severe storms impacted two USMB congregations in eastern South Dakota May 12, where a derecho, or large cluster of thunderstorms, brought straight-lined winds exceeding 100 miles per hour in some places.

Stuart Curry, pastor of Salem MB Church near Freeman, S.D., reported damage to his house and other buildings on his property near Dolton, S.D.

Windows in Stuart Curry’s home were damaged and dirt filled the rooms following a severe storm in May. Most of the buildings on his property were damaged. Curry is pastor of Salem MB Church. Photo: Stuart Curry, Facebook

“Not sure how to put it (into) words,” Curry wrote in a Facebook post sharing photos of the damage. “My heart is broken. But God is sovereign.”

The Curry family is safe and temporarily staying in Freeman while cleaning the damage.

Bethesda Church in Huron sustained water damage when the storm blew shingles off the roof of its original sanctuary built in 1971 and now used as the church fellowship room.

Volunteers spent less than three hours repairing the damage, according to a church Facebook post.

South Dakota governor Kristi Noem issued a State of Emergency in response to the storm, which affected as many as 28 counties and left two people dead in South Dakota and a third in Minnesota.


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