Southern District junior highers challenged to be like Christ

Cross Timbers Church hosts one-day junior high youth conference

Approximately 200 students and sponsors, along with several dozen volunteers and event staff were part of the one-day 2023 Southern District Junior High Youth Conference hosted by Cross Timbers Church in Edmond, Oklahoma. Photo by Debra Austin

Approximately 200 students and sponsors from 12 churches gathered for the Southern District Junior High Youth Conference at Cross Timbers Church in Edmond, Oklahoma, Jan. 28. The theme was “Be.”

Grant Shewey, youth pastor at Hillsboro (Kansas) MB Church served as speaker, helping students understand what it means to be Christ-like. In Session One, Shewey discussed the kind of life Jesus lived and what kind of life Jesus calls his followers to live. Session Two focused on practically showing others what it looks like to reflect Christ.

The event also included workshops, with topics such as being a missionary, worship, understanding spiritual gifts, being an influencer and making sense of the Bible, as well as a panel answering students’ questions.

“Overall, the students were incredibly engaged,” Shewey says. “I helped lead a panel during one of the workshop opportunities. I was very encouraged by the depth of questions students asked about topics such as the accuracy of the Bible, salvation and repentance and Jesus being fully God and fully human.”

Joe Weaver, Cross Timbers worship pastor, and the Cross Timbers worship band led worship.

An offering of $266.28 was collected for the Hope Pregnancy Center in Edmond.

Free-time options included bingo, inflatables, dodgeball, 9-square, board games, video games and crafts.


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