Special Report: MWC Assembly


PA 2015 brings global Mennonite family together

Special report by Meetinghouse editors

More than 7,500 people from 65 countries traveled to Harrisburg, Pa., for the 16th Mennonite World Conference Assembly. The global gathering was held July 21-26 at the Pennyslvania Farm Show Complex. As one of four Anabaptist conferences in the United States, USMB was an official host of the assembly. Morning and evening worship services focused on the assembly theme, "Walking With God."  Coverage of PA 2015 is provided by Meetinghouse, a group of Mennonite publications of which the Christian Leader is one.

Overview: Mennonites from around the globe meeting in U.S.

Tuesday opening: MWC PA 2015 opens with celebration

Wednesday plenary: Walking in doubt and conviction

Wednesday evening: Praising God in painful times

Thursday plenary: Walking in conflict and reconciliation

Thursday evening: Reconciliation with God, others

Friday plenary: Walking in autonomy and community

Friday evening: Wrestling with independence, community

Saturday plenary: Walking in receiving and giving

Saturday evening: Loving our neighbors

Global Church Village: Leaving your mark

Friendship Groups: Facilitating conversations

World Cup: Another opportunity to connect

MCC canning: Canning veggies a first

Farm Show Complex: Behind the scenes

Ukraine: Looking for a miracle

MWC General Council: Fostering interdependence

Seventy U.S. Mennonite Brethren were among the more than 7,500 people from 65 countries that traveled to Harrisburg, Pa., to attend the 16th Assembly of Mennonite World Conference (MWC), held July 21-26 at the Pennsylvania Farm Show Complex.

 MWC is a community of Mennonite, Brethren in Christ and related churches around the world that link to one another for fellowship, worship, service and witness. Every six years, MWC members gather for a global conference. This was the first time since 1978 that U.S. churches hosted the global assembly.

Since MWC was begun in 1925, Mennonite Brethren have served MWC in a variety of leadership positions. The MWC general secretary is currently Cesar Garcia, a Mennonite Brethren from Colombia.


USMB one of four hosts

As one of the four Anabaptist conferences in the United States that is member of MWC, the U.S. Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches (USMB) was an official host of Pennsylvania 2015.

– See more at: http://www.usmb.org/departments/Christian-Leader/article/Global-Mennonite-community-gathers-in-US.html#sthash.bfKGAF1O.dpuf


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