Spotlight: Bethel MB Church


Bethel Mennonite Brethren Church

Yale, South Dakota

Established: 1904

Central District Conference

Attendance: 116

Lead Pastor: Coalt Robinson

Our congregation in three words:

Rural, Generous, Redeemer-centered

How we can pray for Bethel:

  • Pray for wisdom and boldness as we proclaim the good news of Jesus

Connect with us!

Facebook: bethelmbchurch

Instagram: bethelmbchurch_yale/

Bethel MB Church in pictures

Although Bethel MB Church has a baptistry, baptisms, like this one in 2022, often take place at Byron Lake, located two miles from the church. Bethel strives to be biblically correct in all that it does. They care for one another and eagerly help others.


New members are welcomed by the Bethel congregation. “People seem to genuinely care for each other,” says one person in a recent church survey. Bethel, which began as a Krimmer Mennonite Brethren Church, was planted by Salem MB Church of Bridgewater, South Dakota, and Bethel in turn planted Bethesda Church in Huron, South Dakota.


During vacation Bible school in 2022, children learned about God’s monumental love and greatness.


The Bethel congregation enjoys church-wide events, including fellowship meals and activities such as a table game night. This group is playing Hedbanz, a picture guessing game.


Women pack newborn kits for Mennonite Central Committee in 2021.



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