Boone, North Carolina
Established: 1918
The congregation celebrated its 100 year anniversary in 2018 with a week of services leading up to the key event on during the 11am worship service.
Member: Eastern District Conference
Attendance: 50
Pastor Michael Mathes and Associate Minister Amy Kincaid
Mission statement: Moving forward in Christ, Commitment and Community
Our congregation in three words: Faith, Foundation, Fellowship
How we can pray for Boone MB Church: “Pray as we begin work on a building renewal project, that includes updating the front of the church, running a gas line and installing a new heat pump. Currently, the church’s biggest need is a new heating/cooling system.”
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Boone MB Church in Pictures
The congregation hosted a 50th wedding anniversary celebration April 30, 2022, for Michael and Venus Mathes, the church’s lead pastoral couple.
After holding services on Zoom March 2020 until June 2021 returning to services post-Covid-19 was a highlight. It was a learning experience, but everyone became tech savvy enough to join service every week. They gained new members through Zoom and continue to do a hybrid service weekly along with online Sunday School and Bible study.
While the congregation is predominately Black, they are also a healthy mix of all things Appalachian Mountains, as evidenced in everything from their programming to music.
Of historical interest is that native son Rhonda Horton pastored the Boone MB Church for many years.
Making cookies
Sisters in Unity collected Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes for Samaritan’s Purse.

This article has been posted by Christian Leader staff. The Christian Leader is the magazine of U.S. Mennonite Brethren.