Spotlight: Fairview MB Church


Fairview, Oklahoma

Established: 1895

FMBC was planning a 125th anniversary event in 2020 but COVID-19 canceled those plans.

Membership: Southern District Conference

Attendance: 250


Lead Pastor: Travis Schmidt
Worship Leader: Chris Regier
Secretary: Mariah Rackley
Youth Pastor: search underway

Our congregation in three words: Generous, Heritage, Involved

Goals: Like many churches, our social media presence was almost non-existent two years ago. Now it has become an important part of our weekly services. We are pursuing plans to upgrade audio, video and internet capabilities. Along with that, goals for 2023 focus on the bedrocks of prayer and evangelism. Adding a regular Sunday night prayer meeting and challenging people with intentional, attainable goals will be the push for next year.

How can we pray for Fairview MB Church: Pray for a spirit of unity. We’ve made difficult decisions over the past months that have caused friction with a few. Pray also for our youth pastor search. We’ve been at it for a year and a half now!

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Fairview Mennonite Brethren Church in pictures

Fairview MB continues to be a rural church made up of many who are engaged in agriculture. We have other occupations represented but there is a strong influence from the farming community. Many of our members may have other full time jobs but raise cattle and farm on the side. Photo shows teens and sponsors at a youth group kick-off event.

Pastor Travis Schmidt speaks during Biker Sunday, an annual fellowship and outreach event that includes a meal, prayer of blessing and a ride designed to bring together riders from multiple church and to introduce others to church.




Fairview MB Church’s youth program takes place on Wednesday evenings. The congregation runs a bus service to pick up children for the programming, which begins with a fellowship meal, followed by youth activities intended to teach and build relationships. Elementary age children participate in the AWANA program (pictured), while junior high and high school students each have their own programming.

The mission statement at Fairview MB Church is “Reach Up, Reach Out.” One way the congregation reaches out is by helping to make and serve the Friday evening meal, typically pulled pork, at the Oklahoma Mennonite Relief Sale each year. The junior high youth and other volunteers serve the meal (pictured). The congregation makes and sells sausage for the sale, and also makes verenika and peppernuts.



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