With an initial gift of $1 million, Al and Dotty Warkentine have opened an Endowed Professor Challenge at Tabor College. Three additional endowed professor or chair gifts will unlock a second gift from the Warkentine family. A deadline of March 31, 2024, has been set to meet the terms of the challenge.
Al Warkentine is a 1962 graduate of Tabor College while his wife, Dotty (Penner), was a freshman in 1960.
A $2 million endowed chair has been secured, meeting the first of the three needed additional gifts. The individual/family behind that gift has chosen to remain anonymous.
“Al and Dotty have and continue to be faithful supporters of Tabor College,” says President David Janzen. “The creation of this challenge serves as yet another reminder of their generosity, and with the exciting addition of our first endowed chair, we praise God for his faithfulness and how these funds will help move us forward.”
Names and areas for these endowed positions will be announced later.
“Growing our endowment is instrumental in securing our long-term financial stability,” Janzen says. “We look forward to what God has in store as we acquire funding for current and future projects.”

Tabor College is the Mennonite Brethren college located in Hillsboro, Kansas. The mission of Tabor College, founded in 1908, is to prepare people for a life of learning, work and service for Christ and his kingdom.