USMB is inviting U.S. Mennonite Brethren congregations to participate in the Bless Your Pastor movement, created by the National Association of Evangelicals to care for pastors and church staff.
NAE reports that most pastor families face significant financial challenges. “The financial stress that many pastors face can be greatly alleviated when church leadership teams and families discover the many creative ways to show and share God’s love for their pastors beyond the paycheck,” says the USMB website page promoting Bless Your Pastor.
Churches that participate in Bless Your Pastor are asked to do three things:
- share the resource, “50 Creative Ways to Bless Your Pastor,” with congregants.
- take an offering for the pastor or pastoral staff. NAE suggests taking the offering during October, which is Pastor Appreciation Month, for the pastor’s birthday or anniversary or for Christmas or Thanksgiving.
- complete the gift card form provided by NAE in order to receive a $250 Amazon gift card for the senior pastor.
Details about Bless Your Pastor are given on the USMB web site,